

long time no see, too much story :p

hai hai hai hai blogy!! i would like to say it's too long to not see you. i miss you actually hehehe. so, i have too much story to tell you! you wanna hear? okay i'll tell you. and here's the thing...
jadi gini nih. maaf bgt yaa udah lama ga posting, abis akhir-akhir ini aku disibukan dengan UN yang sedikit membuatku gila belajar huaah that was suck!! daaaaan sebenernya ada satu alesan juga kenapa gue jadi bela-belain posting in a quite beautiful bored Sunday, tugas dari guru TIK jeng jeng!!! sudahlah lupakan, gue pengen cerita tentang seseorang sebenernya huahahaha jadi malu.
gue mau nyanyi dikit nih boleh ya boleh. ehmm.. ehmm..
" you know you love me, i know you care ..." hahaha terkesan terlalu pede ya saya. tapi sepertinya sih memang begitu hihihi. gue udah pernah cerita belom sih tentang seseorang ber-inisial M? belom? yaudah kalo gitu, hahahaha
ga enak gue kalo cerita disini, ceritanya panjaaaaaaaaang bgt!! dari yang kita kenal, deket, trus jadi ngejauh, trus balik deket lagi hehehe. and i don't know why, my mom and my dad are love him very much! they're always talking about him!! whattheheck is going on??
terlalu banyak huruf ga baik juga kayaknya, and the last i'll sing for you my sweetie blogy wogie...
"so maybe it's true, that i can't live without you and maybe two is better that one" it's mean you and me blogy, lol. see you soon hotie

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